Environmentally friendly plastic

Today, there are frequent discussions about starting to produce environmentally friendly plastic. Many of the products today are either made entirely of plastic or contain various plastic components. From your computer to clothes and building materials, plastic is included as a building block. 

It takes a very long time for plastic to degrade in nature and many plastic manufacturers therefore review the choice of materials and additives to create a product that can be used in interaction with humans and nature.

Bioplastic - an environmentally friendly plastic

For some time now, plastics are being produced in a more sustainable way by using renewable raw materials. These products are instead made from sugar or lactic acid and are called bioplastics. They maintain the same high standard as a classic plastic product but is in return more expensive. 

Although bioplastics are made from a renewable raw material, not all bioplastics are degradable in nature and are therefore divided into two groups: non-biodegradable and biodegradable.

The non-biodegradable plastic, which is mainly made from ethanol, has the same properties as the traditional plastics. However, even if the base of the product is sugar, it is still not broken down. The plastic, which on the other hand is biodegradable, is made from lactic acid together with starch and can be thrown in the compost.

Plastic recycling and R-PET

The EU has a strictly regulated legislation regarding plastic recycling, but only 42% of all plastic went back to recycling in 2018. We at INP take our responsibility for plastic production and produce mostly PET. 70% of this is recycled material, also called R-PET and we offer production of all products in 100% R-PET.

If the plastic is clean without dangerous additives, it can be melted down to form new products. The quality of PET packaging does not decrease even if it is reused, which makes it a cost-effective material. In terms of production, the production of R-PET is considered to be more environmentally friendly than if you were to produce ordinary PET from scratch. It also means that smaller PET products end up in landfills around the world.